Real happiness lies in gratitude.

QURAN IN ENGLISH - The most important book that everybody should read.

Monday, 22 January 2018

So near yet so far

Marks on charts had showing that a trade is near, possibly a long
But decided to off pc  due to sleepiness ..and  put a closed mark on chart.
Open it in the morning, if i gave extra 5 minutes yesterday then i could double my account in one trade. Not losing the lesson, I know the signs and will put the autotrade next time

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Jumanj Grail: The autotrader signal visible, fired, then went invisible...

Ghost trader trying to be clever and spoiled my fake money.
1) I have to record video to show to my programmer.
2) I have to manually on off autotrader at certain choppy time for time being

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Testing SIM one little idea

One old trader saying, "let winners run" seems not doing well in current environment
I intrepreted that by setting  a far dream target and when it not achieved, manually changed it. In practical, I'm frozen - because I want to be objective and hands off the action.
So the results were near always negative.
It takes me a longest time to accept that fact.
How can I know which one is the winner ?

Another old saying  is "get it and run"
I set a realistic target price.
Result ,,won 2 sims.

This is I called "Target settings".
By using semi auto trader, my brain has extra RAM to think about this..
So after a brief thinking... I think 'target' is more important than a stop loss. Both are exit/END orders, Right ?
The diff....Target will give u profit, stop loss will you give a stop..uhh... LOSS
I think I will begin with the END in mind.

Monday, 8 January 2018


Daily chart at doji.
Long via autotrader and briefly positive while I am away.
Adjusted target price lower.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Khai Bahar - Luluh ( Shattered English)

This Malay song is quite resonates well with my past life ..Currently popular in Malaysia...

I have been afflicted by chronic headache while I was studying in University in 1984/5, till today..thankfully now quite manageable..

The problem with headache is it is invisible and the University specialist told me that I'm a liar....Imagine answering tough examination whilst your head exploding...So I decided to quit like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs...Some moons later,,, I fell in 1st love with a damn sweet girl...then lost her... betrayed by my own trusted distant relative...After that, my life is in series of eldest brother jailed, my youngest sister died young, followed by the death of my old father , brought along with him his feeling of frustation with me not completing my medical degree.  I got work as a clerk and I managed to pay back all my loans related to my study..every single cents.

(Currently my old mother is suffering from dementia and ailments that every old people supposed to have)

Even in pain everyday, I decided to marry in 1997 with other girl with the same name... as I belief the pain  in my head and in my heart will slowly go away, healed by time....

Difficulties are quite norm with wonder I keep on 'trying' trading that I started since 2009.

May Allah grant me,  his forgiveness.

Sorry for telling you all my past, sad stories. This sad song triggered my emotion..Emotion of a nearly old man :)