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Saturday, 16 February 2013

Psycho things in trading: Expectation 3

I wrote this in BigMike under diffname, and add here..


"this is subtle psychology problem that I called 'wrong kind of expectation'.

Show me any traders that don't want to lose...everybody want profits. THey all expect to win, they all want precise, calculated, scientific ;) and perfect entries....

positive thinking, thinking big can help in OthER biz and money is big motivation , but this kind of 'wrong kind of expectation' cant help in trading

trading is about business that making fewer mistakes so that the correct things will take care of themselves.

Could traders avoid mistakes at all cost ? Again, nobody....

mimimises mistakes and forget about money, and you'll find that the market give you money even though you dont want it anymore.. you passed this gate/mental block and you will enter the zone. or zen of trading....

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