Real happiness lies in gratitude.

QURAN IN ENGLISH - The most important book that everybody should read.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Clearing my mind

Trading is a game of probabilities

6. Fear of Trading, Hesitation to Pull the Trigger.

* Trading is a game of probabilities. I don’t have to be right every time. I just have to follow my rules. I know my system works. Every trade is either a profit or a stop. Any given trade is not of significance. The results over a certain time period are what matter. Trading within my proven system puts the odds on my side. I have to play to allow opportunities to materialize. I know I can trade by my rules. All I do is react to signals, a signal to enter and signal to exit, that are generated by my system. They take me in and out with no hesitation. I can observe the market and emotionally detach from it. Any stock movement is simply numbers that change following certain patterns. I know how to read those patters. I am totally focused on what the market is telling me. I can hear it and react to it.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Steps to Successful Commodities Futures Trading

Steps to Successful Commodities Futures Trading
as published in Commodity Futures Trading Club News
and in Traders Organization's Real Success Daytrading Course
  1. We accumulate trading information - buying books, going to seminars and researching.
  2. We begin to trade with our 'new' knowledge.
  3. We consistently 'donate' and then realize we may need more knowledge or information.
  4. We accumulate more information.
  5. We switch the commodities we are currently following.
  6. We go back into the market and trade with our 'updated' knowledge.
  7. We get 'beat up' again and begin to lose some of our confidence. Fear starts setting in.
  8. We start to listen to 'outside news' & other traders.
  9. We go back into the market and continue to donate.
  10. We switch commodities again.
  11. We search for more trading information.
  12. We go back into the market and continue to donate.
  13. We get 'overconfident' & market humbles us.
  14. We start to understand that trading success fully is going to take more time and more knowledge then we anticipated.
    Many Traders Will Give up at this Point as they Realize Work is Involved

  15. We get serious and start concentrating on learning a 'real' methodology.
  16. We trade our methodology with some success, but realize that something is missing.
  17. We begin to understand the need for having rules to apply our methodology.
  18. We take a sabbatical from trading to develop and research our trading rules.
  19. We start trading again, this time with rules and find some success, but overall we still hesitate when it comes time to execute. We start trading again, this time with rules and find some success, but overall we still hesitate when it comes time to execute.
  20. We add, subtract and modify rules as we see a need to be more proficient with our rules.
  21. We go back into the market and continue to donate. We go back into the market and continue to donate.
  22. We start to take responsibility for our trading results as we understand that our success is in us, not the trade methodology.
  23. We continue to trade and become more proficient with our methodology and our rules.
  24. As we trade we still have a tendency to violate our rules and our results are erratic.
  25. We know we are close.
  26. We go back and research our rules.
  27. We build the confidence in our rules and go back into the market and trade.
  28. Our trading results are getting better, but we are still hesitating in executing our rules.
  29. We now see the importance of following our rules as we see the results of our trades when we don't follow them.
  30. We begin to see that our lack of success is within us (a lack of discipline in following the rules because of some kind of fear) and we begin to work on knowing ourselves better.
  31. We continue to trade and the market teaches us more and more about ourselves.
  32. We master our methodology and trading rules.
  33. We begin to consistently make money. We begin to consistently make money.
  34. We get a little overconfident and the market humbles us.
  35. We continue to learn our lessons.
  36. We stop thinking and allow our rules to trade for us (trading becomes boring, but successful) and our trading account continues to grow as we increase our contract size.
  37. We are making more money then we ever dreamed to be possible.
  38. We go on with our lives and accomplish many of the goals we had always dreamed of.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009


(Copy paste)

Eagles are the most long-lived bird in the world. By the time they reach 40 years old, their claws will start to age, losing their effectiveness and making it hard for them to catch preys. The life span of an eagle is up to 70 years old.

But, in order to live this long, it must make the toughest decision at 40. At 40, it's beak is too long and curvy that it reaches it's chest. It's wings, full of long, thickened feathers, are too heavy for easy flying. The eagle is left with 2 choices - do nothing and await it's death or go through a painful period of transformation and renewal.

For 150 days, it first trains itself to fly beyond the high mountains, build and live in it's nest and cease all flying activities. It then begins to knock it's beak against granite rocks till the beak is completely removed.

When the new beak is grown, the eagle will use it to remove all it's old claws and await quietly for new ones to be fully grown. When the new claws are fully grown, the eagle will use them to remove all it's feathers, one by one. Five months later, when it's feathers are fully grown, it will soar in the sky again with renewed strength and is able to live for the next 30 years.

In life, we have to make difficult decisions so as to make room for changes. Changes bring about renewal. And the only way for us to soar again, is to let go old ways, old habits and old lives.

For as long as we are prepared to put aside our old baggage - past glory or shame, past success or failure - be willing to become zero, with an empty cup mentality, we will be able to discover our potential and head towards a renewed perspective in any aspect of our lives

Live in the present

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Fear - The Attachment to Time

by Peter Shepherd

All fear is, in essence, fear of the future. We are afraid of the things that have not yet happened, but which if they did might bring us pain, suffering or some other discomfort - or stand in the way of some future contentment. And we are afraid that circumstances that are already causing us displeasure may continue in the future.

We may fear losing our jobs and the resulting drop in living standards. We may fear failure for the disapproval it might bring. We may fear having nothing to do because we might get bored. We may fear telling the truth because others may not like us for it. We fear the unknown for the dangers it may bring. We fear uncertainty, not knowing whether or not we will find what we are after. Here lies a sad irony. We want to be happy and at peace with ourselves. Yet the very nature of fear makes us anxious in the present and not at peace. Many of our fears are not so strong that we would label them as fears. They may be just concerns, little niggles we have about how things may turn out. They may not even be conscious concerns - in many cases they surface only in our dreams, in conversation with a friend, or after a couple of drinks. Nevertheless they fill our minds with thoughts.

This is the voice within our heads that comments, often critically, on everything we do. It thinks, "I did that well, people will approve of me", or "If only I had said it differently she would not have got upset". It is the voice that speculates on the future, "Should I make that telephone call...what if...?" It wonders what other people are thinking and how they will react. It is the voice of fear, the voice of the ego-mind - the part of us that believes that only through what happens to us in the world around can we be at peace within. But filling our minds with worry over what people might or might not think is not the most constructive use we can make of our imagination.

This internal dialogue keeps us trapped in time - it dwells on the past or the future. As long as our attention is in the past or future, we are not experiencing things as they are, we are seeing them through the judgements of the past and our fears for the future. At times we can be so caught up in our self-talk that we do not even notice the present. We ignore what is going on around us, do not really hear what people are saying, do not appreciate how we really feel. So engrossed are we in our concerns that we never seem to pause to let things be. We have lost the present moment - lost the NOW.

This moment is all that exists. This fleeting instant is the only reality. The past is gone forever. The future is not yet born.

Your body is in the NOW. But if you're like most people, your mind is in the past or in the future. You grieve or glory over events of long ago. You harbour resentments and guilt and shame - hangovers from the past. You think of what you should have said or might have been. You fear and fantasise over the future, you worry about every moment of wasted time. You worry about death, not having enough time to achieve your ambitions, the end of your ego. All of which cuts you off from the present like a dark screen.

If you bring the mind from miles away to the activity of the moment, if you abate the clatter in your head to focus on the physical reality surrounding your body, and the sensations from within it, you'll gradually experience a surprising sense of well-being. Indeed, tuning in to the NOW is one gateway to perceiving eternity. The philosopher Wittgenstein observed: "If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, the eternal life belongs to those who live in the present". By experiencing a moment for itself, you stop time. Time is defined as the interval between two events. When you are in the NOW there is no interval, only the event alone.

The concept of the NOW has great validity when dealing with emotions and the senses. NOW is a point at which you are in touch with the ongoing process. Past and future take their bearings continuously from the present and must be related to it. Without reference to the present they become meaningless.

Now Is How

(Taken from the book "A Rich Man's Secret" by Ken Roberts. This is the secret that was found.)

I call you "Dear Friend" for we are of the same cast. If face-to-face, we would sense this special kinship between us. You are unique, for you took most unusual steps in an attempt to find what you hold here. Not knowing what you would discover - if anything at all - you journeyed into the unknown. No one told you to make this journey; you made it of your own accord, listening to the still voice within. 

What you seek is here: the elusive Secret men and women through the ages long to discover. It is the secret your heart yearns for. It is the secret your mind cannot grasp.

I know nothing about your particular circumstances, whether you are young or old, male or female, married or single, religious or not. I do know, however, that you are in search of a better life. How do I know? Because I have known the same personal dissatisfaction and internal conflict you know. Once I moved fretfully and fearfully from job to job, from city to city, always thinking that the next place would be the "right" place, forever worrying that others would gain the reward before I did. That life was no life. It was, instead, a nightmare of elusive, unfulfilled desires. But I began to realize, with the help of many mentors - who appeared to me, just as I am now appearing to you, in writing - that there was another way to live. 

To enter this new life, however, you must take the first step. Cease worrying about who you were, and who you may someday become. Bury the dead past, and trust not the future. Stay here. Rarely will you meet a person who is here. Most are sadly lost to regrets about the past and fears of the future, lost to the ordinary, anxious thoughts that imperil our existence. 

Only by staying here can you ever change. When you ask "How?" realize that Now is always the answer to How. 

Like you, I sought success; for many years I floundered. Life was a raging battle. I would advance one pace only to retreat two. I frantically contrived for wealth and security. But what I managed to gain became the object of my fears of losing it, and so was soon lost to my ignorance and greed. Mine was the hellish existence that most never escape. But I too, was given the key, the secret key I now pass to you that opens the Door of Doors. Behind this door is all you can imagine; yet much more than you are capable of imagining. Even to try is to sully it. 

Your discovery of this Secret places you on the threshold you were born to cross. From this day forward, your life is changed. Discovering this letter you will forever know that the Door exists. I assure you it does. Entering this Door is what the still, small voice in you thirsts for and ceaselessly nudges you toward. It knows that all your deeds, dreams and desires have fallen short. The world may even elevate and envy you, yet the still, small Voice reminds you there is something more you need to find. But here lies the mystery, that timeless paradox: to enter the Door, you must lose yourself. On the other side, you will live from a new perspective, a higher vantage point. From that invisible plateau you will receive perfect instruction by which you will conduct all your affairs. 

No longer will doubt, confusion, and fear darken your spirits. Your actions will no longer be mere reactions; you will be purposeful and live from true confidence. You will become invisible to events. The day's headlines will have no affect on your choices. Indeed, when you receive instruction issued from behind the Door, there is but one right choice to make in every instance, and you will make it without effort, without thinking. 

What I am about to reveal to you has been known by only a fortunate few. It obviously is not known by the masses, by educators, or by the so-called learned amongst us. Precious few have ever heard this revelation, although some who have been blessed with this wisdom have rejected it. They resisted and refused to listen, just as you may be so inclined. So this is your chance. I am ennobled to be the one who brings this to you. 

Your mind is not the friend you now believe it to be. It is a mere machine that tosses out thoughts incessantly, mechanically. But you are neither your mind nor its myriad of thoughts and emotions. They cannot open the door. If they could, they would have done so. To cross the threshold to a new life, you must remove yourself from your own thoughts. This can be done. Permit me to explain what only seems unexplainable. 

At any moment, you can be in only one of two places mentally: you are either immersed in your thoughts, or you are separate from them. Incredible an instrument as your mind is, it cannot lift you above what it knows. And you have a divine instruction within you to transcend 'what you know, but the mind simply cannot perform this miracle, you must take the step of faith: Leave your thoughts behind. 

You, as most do, live from your mind - from thoughts and emotions. This is living on the billiard table or in the rushing river. As active and violent as these places are, they are mesmerizing and hypnotic. Living from thoughts as most do is a form of sleep. To remove yourself from this slumber, simply awaken. 

Where are your hands now? Are they relaxed or tense? Do you know the expression on your face? Is your brow furrowed and tight? What is the temperature of the air surrounding you? What is the position of your feet? What supports your body this moment, and how is your weight distributed? This awareness of yourself and of your surroundings is Now. In this attentive state you are separate, watching yourself read the words on this paper, witnessing the thoughts and sensations coursing through you. 

Becoming awake lifts you out of the tumultuous waters of doubt, anxiety, worry, fear and anger. Your attention places you on a bridge over the tumbling river. You still see the chaos below, but now you are not part of it. You are transformed into an impartial observer. It is in this attentive state that something higher can communicate with you. 

It is impossible to sense its directions while in the cascading waters. Although it is always present, always reaching out to you, your work is to clear a path to receive its direction. Do this by becoming awake and attentive. Return to Now. 

Rarely will you meet a person who is in the Now state. Most are forever lost in thought. The secret of Now places you at the Door. It is from the Now state that perfect direction can reach you. You cannot hear the voice's direction while asleep, just as you cannot touch a beam of light; they are of two distinct and different natures. Your inner ears can "hear" only when you are standing upon the doorstep of 'Now.
My purpose is not to elaborate, but only to reveal this secret of taking this first step - leaving thought and returning to Now. 

Can you do it - can you actually take this step of faith? Your mind is producing doubtful thoughts now, but yes, you can. Think back on your search for this letter: you had to take a step of faith to locate it. This I intended for the very purpose of proving to you the existence of the Door. It also vividly demonstrates how you cannot - must not - trust of or believe what your mind "advises." It did not know the location of this letter. Indeed, thoughts shouted at you to give up the search. 

To locate this hidden letter, you had to leave the certainty of your mind and its thoughts. Now you will work at doing so in greater and greater measure consciously, from the attentive, awakened state. You will work from Now.
Be as vigilant as you are able; observe yourself as often as you can remember. Observe the numerous states you enter and exit from each day. Inquire of yourself, "who is this that is angry? Doubtful? Fearful? Excited? Depressed?' It is not you; it is only thoughts in your mind using you! 

When you do this long enough, an entirely new understanding will emerge and you will begin to think in a manner differently than you do presently. 

What will happen? You will become a new person! You will see, hear, and sense as never before. The demon fear will retreat and fall away more and more. You will receive directions to proceed that seem impossible. Take that first step - no more, no less - and the next will be revealed. In this way, you will pass through what formally appeared to be solid brick walls that you avoided. Your way out is through the illusory brick walls! Now you seek "the impossible," knowing it is the very doorway out! 

Always remember that what appears, as a solid brick wall is a mere illusion created by the rushing river of thought. It is no more significant than an ant - disguised as a brick wall! The only way to banish this illusion is to proceed through it, watching your fear and trepidation all the while. In this one way, you will know from yourself that it is all an illusion. 

While you are conducting business, seated at the dining table, enjoying a walk, conversing with another even as you doze at night, come back to Now. (Where are you at this moment?) Come back to yourself. Come back to yourself. A thousand times a day. Work at this. Keep coming back to yourself, to Now. 

As thoughts and feelings attempt to confuse and frustrate you, awaken. Watch these demons, and they will pass. You are viewing from a higher place. Do not jump back into the river, simply observe from above. 

Notice others from your watchful state. They live immersed in thought, just as you have done to this point in your life. They are tugged and tousled - at one moment elated, then sullen, teary, depressed, frightened, and angry at the next. As you begin to observe all these states your mind pulls you through, you will be amazed. Return from these thoughts to Now; Now cannot be bandied about. Your attentive state is solid ground; it is of a level overlooking the billiard table and rushing river. 

Do not struggle to understand the thoughts you observe; be only watchful of them. Treat them as the outsiders and intruders they are. Say to yourself, "Oh, look at that angry thought." etc. Become the uninvolved bystander. An indescribable new life awaits you as you do this. 

You are not on as high a level in your employment or business as you secretly know you are capable. Until now, if you desired to rise from 'this level, you knew only to delve into your thoughts, to refer' to your cerebral library for answers. But your library is of the same level as the questions you pose. Seeking the higher, you must leave the level you presently occupy. To do so, return to Now. In the past, you knew only to delve into your thoughts for the answers you seek. This process uprooted stored information that is lifeless. You found no answers there and your mind then conjured up projections based on these past dead thoughts. This created fantasies and dreams that only perplexed and agitated you more - a vicious, deceitful cycle. This is all your own mind can provide, however. It does not know the answer you require, Now knows. From Now comes the intelligence that knows you and your every need. 

When you know not what to do, return to Now. Now knows. Wait there, and what you need will come to you. What you need is not self-produced. 

Of course, there are those who gain the world's esteem and manage to gather its riches, but you will find out that it sooner or later destroys them. They gained it out of persistence and the law of Accident. Most everyone who persists does acquire, but of what value is it if it destroys? There is nothing wrong in gaining worldly treasures if you have first the higher wisdom. See for yourself; observe the world's business and political leaders. They are like an infant happening upon a shimmering object; the glow and glisten entices the child to handle it, to play with it. Little does the infant know the bright shining plaything is a finely polished knife. But with understanding, the knife is a keen tool, very practical and productive in wise, skilled hands. 

Turn instead to your only true friend - Now. As a child turns to a parent, simply ask for direction. Have no ideas, schemes, or plans. Simply ask - knowing that you do not know - and then await the answer. 

Have no preconceived notions; do not attempt to identify or describe any outcome. What a relief to know you are not responsible for (nor capable of) generating right answers! That is the same as instructing a tree how to form and develop. The seed does not require directions from you; it already contains a Divine Instruction - just as you do. You do not know the outcome, you do not know how. But Now knows; Now is how. 

Intelligence knows you completely; it is your one true friend. It knows what is highest and best for you. Your mind - intellect - does not know. So cease your continual turning to your thoughts for answers; they have none above the level you are on. If they did, would you still be on your search? If thought held the answers you require, you would not be questioning.
I can relate countless stories of true revelations that came to me through the Door. They were grander than I could have imagined or dared to request! Merely take the first step - honestly and innocently ask. Then confidently await the Right Answer that has been attempting to contact you all along! 

Notice - right now - how your mind is clamoring. It is telling you, "This is wrong," "How could this be so?" "What nonsense!" Your mind does not favour being the target of this bright light you are shining upon it. If you believe what your mind shouts, you will continue on as you have; you will be just one more of the mass of lemmings - running blindly; asleep to their impending doom. 

But you are different; you sense that the still, small Voice attempts to lead you to something greater than yourself, and thus the solution to every problem and limitation. Give Now this chance and see for yourself. Whatever question you have, put it to Now. Now is the way.
My essential directions contained in this letter place you at the gateway to your own revelations; however, you must experience it for yourself. Every question you have, or ever will have, is answered by Now. I shall prepare you and reveal some experiences you are about to undergo as you begin this, the one true journey: 

You will find yourself speaking less as you observe more and more. Most believe that activity evidences productivity, yet you will begin to see through this fallacy. When idle, your thoughts will protest: "You are wasting time!," "Get to work," "Idleness means missed opportunities!," "Activity is productivity!" and so on and so on. These are mere tricks of your mind. Watch them as you wait for true answers to come through the Door. You cannot hear them amid chaos and confusion - the "normal" state of mind. 

I smile in anticipation of your revelations, of your coming awake, truly alive. Revelations await you. Some will unnerve you; others will stupefy your senses. These miraculous events will be evidence that you are transcending this notional world and living from the Higher.
Take the first step; come back to Now. The next step will be revealed. All that you need to know - and precisely when - is in Now. Nothing is coincidental from Now where chance does not exist. What sleeping people call coincidences and miracles are understood - and commonplace! - From Now. 

Be attentive; come back to Now. All - everything - is there. All true answers come from Now. Now knows. Take the first step - no more, no less - and the next will be revealed.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

My nick

Welcome Sweet September !
Today I decide that the meaning of TST is tactical strategic trader.
Don't laugh.
Ha ha ha.
Still in vacation...


Tactics and Strategy - The Correlation (source: Internet)

Tactics are the substance of strategy. They comprise what is done pursuant to strategic planning. The strategic phase of business planning has thinkers (you- the small business owner) determining ways to achieve stated goals. Simply stated, they plan how people need to act in order to attain the objectives for which the strategy is to be used.

Tactics, on the other hand, are the very actions that are necessary to carry out the strategy. Strategies can be a combination of a number of tactics with the involvement of several different people, all working toward reaching a common goal.