Yesterday I commisioned a programmer to build a custom study.
This study is probably 1800th set up that I created and used since I started trading since 2009.
After I used it within a week, I felt confident enough to further programming it for entry decision.
Something that never crossed my mind.
The good thing is after Q&A with the programmer, I have clearer picture of what I expect from this custom study and it strength and weakness.
On my part of weakness, I usually 2nd guess my entry, so this custom study will focus more on entry.
This study is probably 1800th set up that I created and used since I started trading since 2009.
After I used it within a week, I felt confident enough to further programming it for entry decision.
Something that never crossed my mind.
The good thing is after Q&A with the programmer, I have clearer picture of what I expect from this custom study and it strength and weakness.
On my part of weakness, I usually 2nd guess my entry, so this custom study will focus more on entry.