Real happiness lies in gratitude.

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Thursday, 2 March 2017

Reasons for Ditching CL

1) Tight play range compared to past 3 years
2) False breaks becoming more common
3) Season changing - Active hours 9am behaving like inactive hours
4) Inconsistent market behaviour that require multi changes to strategy used.
5) Could be unforgiven for small mistakes
6) Becoming irrational and random that made university professors proud of themeselves ;)
7) Its time for "*moving forward"
8) Its becoming more political play.... and politic can ruin business

* Moving forward is a popular rhetoric for the time being in my office

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

SIMming NQ

I decided to ditch CL at the moment and trying sim on NQ and ES.
I found NQ brings more stable result than ES.