Real happiness lies in gratitude.

QURAN IN ENGLISH - The most important book that everybody should read.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Warming Up again

I purchased 20m LAN cable (USd 7.50)  and nailed it across the Hindi Ocean   house.
internet stability and certainty come back.
cheaper and better than crap wireless (USD 21)

Monday, 10 March 2014

MH370 - after 3 days

MH370 Malaysia airlines was missing during flight from KL to Beijing 3 days ago (about early 2am morning Sat)
Everyone is puzzled.
Deepest condolence to their families and friends.
Lot of stories abuzz here in Kuala Lumpur. Life can be unpredictable and can be missing...literally.

After about a month - reseacrhing, testing, googling... I found that my wireless cant be relied upon, possibly cause by my AMD mobo... and I will go to to the shop to buy 25 metere LAN wire. I'm not a PC geek after all...