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Thursday, 16 June 2011


3 trades (yeah more than 1 and max 2) :

1) -10 . fast cut a loser trade . Good.
2) -120 . Late entry and not according to my rules. Chasing market .High Risk and paid it. Bad.

3) +50 . Follow my rule, but market is out of strength already. Quite OK.

Past 2 days CL had spike trade but I not wish to comment about the market, I wanna to comment about myself.

Evidently I was not "afraid to trade" I will focus to follow my entry rules and maintained trade management :  the fast cut....

Other then that I found that I need to keep in mind that each day I have 2 trades, not one. If  I just keep targeting 1 trade, it will put pressure to my emotion and it is definitely worse than trading 1 contract . Trade A will act as breaking the ice of the day, and Trade B is the real trade of the day. Both will enter early as soon the signals are valid.

Low stress trading.

To be done:
To enter early when signal comes.

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