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Monday, 21 June 2010

Relocated to the new trading room

I went over to the roof to connect the new cable after my tephone service provider told me the many red tapes that I should follow. I connected the wire myself even though I scared of height.
I had convinced my self that I'm that  serious to online trading!

The  new room has a nice cool night breeze than I hope will calm my nerve when trading.


I need a new wire (done)
I need to call technician (done)
I need to dismantle a single bed (done) and drill a hole for the ADSL cable (failed effort, the wall is too tough for the drill, so I have to use the window ..he he)
I need to relocate computer (done)
I need to buy another screen
I need a big poster of Hawaii :-) Oh no bikini, just palm trees at the beach
I need a colour printer to print charts and stick em on the wall ( I think the printer is very important -- traders, like other people... tend to forget)

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